
The Sunrise In A Lockdown

Discover a new way to look at the sunrise.

If the sunrise represents a ‘new beginning’, do we ‘begin again’, daily? Especially, when we visit the ‘sunrise point’? What if I say, you don’t see them? What if I say, you are blind? 

We are reading this, you may argue.

Maybe the sun is blinding you? I argue back.

Are there any ‘new beginnings’?  Aren’t you tired of the same office, same colleagues, same boss, same routine?

(Hey, not the same loved ones! *laughs*)

If adventure lies in every day, where is it? What’s new? This lockdown might be getting gloomy but hey, it is neither mental nor natural.

Don’t look at the sunrise. FEEL it. Feel the ‘new beginning’.  

This realisation blew my mind!

Was this short and sweet comeback in the lockdown productive? Let me know in your comments below.


Nostalgia Meets Ambition

Discover how college nostalgia meets the present-day ambition of a writer.

Some pointers before you start reading:

  • The writing course I was attending was held at the college I went to a decade ago. Thus, this name.
  • The following was an exercise in the course where I only had to describe that ‘settling’ (one particular area) with emotions.
  • I have chosen this corridor and bench as it was right outside my class.

My flat-heeled shoes whispered tap-tap with every footstep on the wooden floor of that dingy corridor. I accompanied the lonely bench next to a cheery window on the first floor by sitting on it. I took out my phone and opened ‘Google docs’. I was doing a dull job describing that very bench when I heard more tap-taps. I did not want to be creepy, so I only followed that sound, not looking up.

A female voice came from a couple of feet away, it sounded disappointed, for some unknown reason, “Yeah and did you see that Valentine’s day ad today? It said ‘Love comes in all forms’, huh, what a rip-off! Wasn’t that the ‘queer month’ tagline?”
Now another voice came from next to her, responding in curiosity and amusement, “Wait, how do you know this stuff?”

Laughter and the tapping were now away. Desperate for a distraction from my rising nostalgia, I got back to my description.


The Most Effective Solution

The favourite night of the week had arrived, the Saturday night. Sunaina knew she could afford the luxury of uninterrupted sleep. Next morning, there would be no pauses to it from either her mom’s or the phone’s alarm for office. She was unaware that she was about to stumble upon a brilliant solution to her life’s biggest puzzle. Sprawled across the mattress, she hugged her beloved supple, refreshingly red, an upside-down spade-shaped cushion. Sunaina was all ready to surrender herself to the magnificent melody of dreams.  

However, her mind conceived the gory image of Hannah Baker lying in the bath-tub with a furious knife. ‘13 reasons why’ was the psychotic show she was binging upon. Yes, ‘psychotic’, you read it right. The lead actress, Hanna Baker, had committed suicide and was narrating the terribly troublesome details of why she had to. The story created a strange curiosity beyond the disturbance of ‘death’. 

Hannah mentioned the most unique epitaph ever. They were two words, ‘Don’t Try’ by Charles Bukowski. Such ridiculous advice to writers like herself, Sunaina thought. Those two words left her perplexed. She wondered what could have been the message behind such a renowned, yet pessimistic remark. She sat up straight and Googled Charles Bukowski. This is what she found out – he is Heinrich Karl Bukowski (Hank – August 16, 1920, to March 9, 1994); he was a German-born American poet, novelist, and short-story writer. 

Sunaina did not understand what ‘Don’t try’ meant. She was glad it was 3 in the morning. Her phone had stopped vibrating. She resolved to dig more about that haunting epitaph when her mother knocked on the door. She babbled sleepily in Marathi, “Oh God, You still watching that idiotic suicide show? What am I going to do with you!” She then strutted away, muttering inaudible phrases meaning the same. Sunaina dove to switch the room’s light off so keep her mother distant and in hushed tones, continued her research on ‘Don’t try’. 

A moment later, she was introduced to the late author’s wife, Linda Bukowski. Linda demystified that baffling legend. She quoted, “Don’t try, do. Because if you’re spending your time trying something, you’re not doing it… DON’T TRY.” Sunaina has just discovered his secret to writing a successful story.

Charles Bukowski revealed it better in a letter he wrote, “What do you do? How do you write, create? You don’t try. That’s very important: ‘not’ to try, either for Cadillacs, creation, or immortality. There’s been too much direction. It’s all free, we needn’t be told. Writing is as easy as beating your meat or drinking a bottle of beer.”

Sunaina was immensely indebted to ‘13 reasons why’ for letting her know about Charles Bukowski. She did not watch it that night. She didn’t want to TRY being a writer. She wanted to do it. She opened Microsoft Word and began to type. 


An Ad Girl’s Evening In Mumbai

Discover how she juggles between the two extremely different chaotic environments of a ‘college’ and ‘office’.

Let’s begin in 2020.

I was taught that people might not remember the words they read; however, they remember how they made them feel. Advertising densely relies on these emotions.  I write for them, for the brands and most importantly, for the company I’m working for. I went to a bunch of good universities to study this craft. Brands have their guidelines and they are investing in them. Writing is how I can express myself unconditionally and improving it is my aim. So, my dream began by stumbling upon the creative writing workshop. What’s more? It was right next to my college!

Already working as a copywriter at one of the fastest-growing advertising agencies,  managing time is one of my biggest challenges. In order to venture into this course, I had an additional challenge. I had to calculate the travel-time needed for this course. Imagine a book with four corners A,B,C and D. From point A (office), I had to go to point B (station). From there, to point C (course) and finally, to D (home). On a Monday in peak hours of the evening and in Mumbai, this can be simply stated in three letters, OMG!

Now, let’s imagine the same scenario with a twist!

For that, we need to become ten years younger. How I wish! Sigh.

If I had to venture into this course then, it would have been a journey with a different perspective, a freer one. To those points you imagined, I would have added points E, F and G! E being Marine drive, F being Metro Theatre and G might be my friend’s place nearby. With some more plans for the night after. I wasn’t chasing time. It didn’t matter if I overslept or dozed off during the lectures. This joyride can be stated in three letters WOW!

This is the price I pay for today’s corporate success.


Don’t Try

Once upon a time, I came across an intensely moving quote:

Don’t try, do. Because if you’re spending your time trying something, you’re not doing it… DON’T TRY.

–          Linda Bukowski (Charles Bukowski’s wife)

That created great curiosity in me about who Charles Bukowski is.


Let’s swim?


“Write, I dare you,” roared the grim monster who had imprisoned me, popularly known as ‘The Writer’s Block’. It filled me with fright. So much, that the mere thought of combat did not occur to my brittle mind. In that misery, I came across the following:

Don’t stop. Don’t wait until you have reached your goal.

My words. My words. My words.

*repeats thrice for the emphasis*

Each of those words gave me a piercing glare. That moment made me truly realise that ‘it’s not about saying the right things, it’s about doing the right things’.


Veni, vidi, vici.

Shopping in Milan, scuba-diving in Croatia and most importantly — a bachelorette party! Aren’t these crazy, wild and giggly nights responsible for some of our best memories and for making the journey of Ms. to Mrs. thrilling? One day, I want to honestly say, ‘I made it’, and for those three tiny words, I had been working relentlessly for a multiple-entry Schengen visa.


Just Do It

I hate it how you’re born out of nowhere, forced to go to school

And get an education so that you can get a job.

What if I wanted to be a duck!?

Okay, not exactly that but you sometimes must have had or will have a similar thought. The pointlessness of everything, you know? Or you must be going right now, ‘Oh yeah! Absolutely!’ Hey that can happen, but we are not ducks.

What comes after is something I wish was told to me earlier and you will too. But, better late than never, right? So, here it is: ‘Life’s not fair. We get no say in the world we are born into. We don’t decide our names or religion, not where we come from. We don’t decide if we have a place we can call home. Our families might have to leave the country. Yeah, it’s messed up. We don’t decide how the world judges a person like us.’

Ew! Nobody wishes to live with so much negativity. So, are we trapped? I have been puzzling myself for a couple of decades and… eureka! We can escape this madness. Not by carelessly quacking away. We are human beings and we will rise. We don’t decide how our story begins. But, we do get to decide how it ends. There is one thing you cannot give or take from someone. It is the fire – the fire in your belly. All you need to do is ignite, which is the beginning of anything you want. That little spark may burst into a fire that lies deep within you and suddenly everything is possible.

Don’t stop. Don’t wait until you have reached your goal and proudly take steps towards it. Your goal might seem to be like soup right now and you might be a fork. But you didn’t come this far for nothing, did you? On one hand, sleeping without setting the alarm clock does mean happiness but on the other, it also means sleeping without having a purpose. And you’ll agree that none of us want to wake up as ‘mediocre’. So, set a goal. A goal that makes you jump out the bed every morning. A goal that is so meaningful that it creates a drive inside you. A drive to become better and stronger.

And one day she discovered that she was fierce,

And strong and full of fire,

And that not even she could hold herself back,

Because her passion burned brighter than her fears.


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Get up, dress up and show up

Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.


“Excuse me”

“Where are you?”

These ordinary words with Pawn-like importance were suddenly being treated like the Queen in my board of Life.



Sometimes, you need to shut your eyes and pray.

I planned a much-needed escape from this world’s madness that I was going through. It wasn’t an exotic holiday or crazy shopping. You might have guessed it. I planned a movie with my best friend. I walked in the cinema hall with simple anticipation. We expected the regime: settling comfortably in seats, lights dimming leisurely, ads playing routinely, standing robustly for our national anthem followed by something all of us eagerly waited for – the movie.

But long gone are the days when you could walk into a movie hall and watch a film from start to finish in peace. The theatre had its own plans.