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Our journeys are stories of our own. This is mine and I’ve allowed some of these points to stand, in spite of being corrected. It is not a guidebook, trip diary or marketing piece for the Sunday paper.
This is semi-fiction: A fictional description of a true story.
An introduction
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Chapter Zero

Chapter One
The First Time
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Stockholm Arlanda Airport. Local time is nine hundred hours and the temperature is 17°C… seat belt… personal belongings… overhead bins… deplaning assistance… thank you… looking forward to seeing you on-board again in the near future. Have a pleasant stay!”
Wheels of luggage trolleys scratched the floor. Each one possessing its own story. I hugged myself, holding the thick and cosy lemon-coloured jacket close to my chest. The warmth was welcoming in the air’s chill. The energy it held felt vibrant. The sight of scarce people without any interruption and leisurely going on about their business, looked unreal. A handful of cars were parked orderly. The ground was so spotless, an ant would go hungry looking for a grain of sugar.
Hmm well… I wonder how Candida looks. Didn’t I have her picture? Let me see.
I opened the email from Lion’s club.
Dear Richa,
I hope this finds you well. I have informed Mrs Rajput (your college professor) regarding your attendance. Here are the details of your host families and an overview of the camp.
Family I
Initially, you were assigned to Mr and Mrs Hedlun. However, they had to attend a medical emergency. Ms Candida Nordin has amazingly agreed to host you (at very short notice). She is an air hostess and usually keeps busy. Due to a minor leg injury (almost recovered), she is on leave that week. Do express your gratitude as well. Candida resides in Stockholm with her son, Adam. As he is elsewhere that week, she has generously offered you to stay in his room. It’s a neat apartment without any pets. Candida will pick you up from the airport.
Lions Camp Viking
It will be held between 24 July to 7 August 2011 at Fagerudd Conference centre, Enköping. Like yourself, there will be 15 others representing the nations they are from. Our camp provides a safe, fun and active environment in which you can learn about different cultures and discover new friendships.
Family II
You have been assigned a host family for the one week after camp, 7-14 August, to the Martinsson family. They live in a big house in the country not too far from Enköping, where the camp will be. They have a swimming pool and a stable with horses on their premises. Their two daughters are married and not residing with them. Hence, you will have your own room at the residence. The son lives in another bedroom. They will drop you at the airport.
I have attached some pictures here FYR. Do let us know about your travel plans. The mail addresses are in the ‘CC’ field. Please contact me, should you have any more questions. We look forward to receiving you.
Yours sincerely,
Lucas Black
Youth Exchange Chairman
Candida (from my first host family – my host mother) was slightly different from the photo sent by Lucas. She was almost as tall as my father (5’11”) and as elegant as my mother. Her two gracious grey eyes gave her the appearance of always being respectful. She had aptly donned a salmon coloured shirt, beige pants and white shoes. They matched her blonde hair and milky skin. She walked like she owned the place, without noticing any strays.
Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. In case if you are not happy with the content and/or the images here, please write to me at
Chapter Two: My Second Home
Discover the new home-away-from-home in Adam’s den.
Adiós, amigo!
Thanks for reading and catch ya next week.
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