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Our journeys are stories of our own. This is mine and I’ve allowed some of these points to stand, in spite of being corrected. It is not a guidebook, trip diary or marketing piece for the Sunday paper.
This is semi-fiction: A fictional description of a true story.
– Travelled abroad for the first time
– Landed at Stockholm Arlanda Airport
– Met Candida Nordin (from the first host family)
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Chapter One

Chapter Two
My Second Home
Last Seen: Stockholm Arlanda Airport
Wow. Am I in a movie? I’d never seen a blondie from this close. Candida is so pretty! That’s not all, the offbeat left-hand driving and the sleek flyovers are giving me feels like Harry Potter on the 9 and 3/4th platform at King’s Cross station for the first time. I gape at the streets, failing to hide my awe. Oh my, this is surreal!
Candida greeted me with a proud wave of the flag of Sweden. Her wide ear-to-ear grin matched mine.

My dreams were mega…
But this, I never imagined…
Here’s how I met the Swergis flagga.
Walk to the right, that’s where I will sit. NOT LEFT. Right door. Right side, right side, right side. Ooh, the silver Volvo looks shiny new!
I kept ogling, evidently. That’s when Candida broke my reverie.
“First time abroad? I’m an air hostess, you see? I come across many such passengers. So don’t worry. You are in good hands.”
“Don’t you get tired of those flights sometimes? I already am.”
“Hey, come on. Don’t tell me I look that old. It’s my dream to visit all the wonders of the world, you see? Brazil, Peru and Mexico are left. “
“Oo yay! So you’ve been to India? How was it?”

“Taj Mahal is simply…
en skönhet. Beautiful.”
“Din jävla idiot,” Candida abruptly cussed, “Argh! This place has such moronic drivers.”
Harry Potter on King’s Cross, my foot! This is home!
The society was like a colony. Short buildings (2 floors each – around 10 feet of the gap in between) stood surrounding a gorgeous meadow. Hers was on the ground floor, I could see a manicured front yard next to neat grey steps, leading to a turquoise coloured main door.
The cosy ceiling-to-floor white apartment was decked with vibrant yellow and blue coloured balloons (flag colours). It looked as if it was set for filming a sexy click flick.
“Look, that’s my darling son, Adam,” her smile lit up her face when his picture filled her phone’s screen and she gave me a gentle squeeze. “He is away and you have his room. Lucas told you, I guess?” She continued.
On a bright study table by the window, stood a handsome flower vase holding blue & yellow cascading roses & calla lilies (Again, flag colours).
For me, she was representing Sweden, and I was smiling like a satisfied customer. I had a perfect customer-review for her. It was in the form of a miniature Taj Mahal.
Furthermore, she gave me a stamp-sized Swedish flag. It had a gold Nordic cross (denoting Scandinavia) on a field of blue, like the blue of our screens.

Tirelessly, we roam…
Eventually, we come back…
To a home-away-from-home.
Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. In case if you are not happy with the content and/or the images here, please write to me at
Adiós, amigo!
Thanks for reading and catch ya next week.
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Chapter Three: The Third Wheel
Get ready for Candida’s EPIC surprise!
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